






研究生 & 成人仪式

The bet亚洲365欢迎投注 2024 研究生 and Adult 本科 毕业典礼 Ceremony will be held on Friday, 5月17日, 下午6点.m. 在麦凯恩体育馆. 毕业生将在下午5:15排队.m. 学术游行定于下午5点45分开始.m.仪式预计将持续大约1小时.5个小时. 

  • 仪式开始时间: 5月17日星期五下午6点.m.
  • 毕业生名单: 5:15 p.m.
  • 学术队伍: 5:45 p.m.



周五的毕业典礼没有预演. 毕业生应在下午5点15分集合参加毕业游行.m. 



毕业生和教师将在下午5点15分集合进行学术游行.m. 游行定于下午5点45分开始.m. 攻读博士学位的考生将一起入场, 在元帅的带领下, 并将按字母顺序领取毕业证书.  攻读硕士学位的考生将齐头并进, 在元帅的带领下, 并将被研究生项目要求领取他们的毕业证书. 获得学士学位的考生将一起入场, 在元帅的带领下, 并将按字母顺序领取毕业证书. 当学生接近站台时,将向他们收取列队牌. 在此之前, graduates can scan a QR code on the back of their lineup card to register to receive their commencement proofs. 

我们鼓励家人和客人在下午5:30之前到达.m. 但是,在下午5点之前,任何客人都不允许进入仪式现场.m. 仪式预计将持续大约1小时.5个小时. 



我们鼓励家人和客人在下午5:30之前到达.m. 以更好地保证停车位. 东校区和西校区将提供停车场. Lots reserved for handicapped parking are for vehicles with handicapped license plates or placards issued by a municipality, 或者有残疾人停车证的客人. Guests with handicapped permits should enter the north entrance only and be prepared to show their permits to the security guard, 谁会指引他们到合适的停车场. 从南入口无法进入残疾人停车场.

有关停车地点的完整列表和说明,请参阅 校园地图.



家庭 and friends of graduates who are unable to attend the event can view the ceremony streaming live by visiting Marist’s homepage at www.bet亚洲365欢迎投注.edu 点击毕业典礼链接. bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学还将在默里学生中心对颁奖典礼进行现场直播. 



Alcohol is not permitted before or during the commencement exercises and will be confiscated if brought to the ceremony. 请通知所有客人这项政策. 发放阵容卡时, graduates will be required to sign a statement to acknowledge that they 下stand the College’s alcohol policy. 另外,请注意校园绿地是无烟区.



为当地的哈德逊河谷提供多种选择 酒店,汽车旅馆,住宿加早餐, 餐厅,请按连结.


A: By now all candidates should have submitted a completed Application for Graduation form to the 注册商’s office. 这个表格可以在myMarist的学生资源部分找到. The information collected on the form will be used to order your diploma and for the commencement program. If you did not submit an Application for Graduation, please contact the 注册商’s Office.


A:圣母学院第77届毕业典礼将于5月19日星期五举行. 如果天气允许,典礼将在校园绿地举行. 学生、教师和工作人员将在下午5点15分集合参加游行.m. 在洛厄尔托马斯广场和汉考克中心之间. 学生将需要他们的列队卡参加仪式. 游行队伍定于下午5点45分准时开始.m. 获得学士学位的考生将一起入场, 在元帅的带领下, will be called to the platform to receive their diploma covers in alphabetical order. 攻读硕士学位的考生将齐头并进, 在元帅的带领下, 并将被研究生项目要求领取他们的毕业证书. 当学生接近站台时,将向他们收取列队牌.


A: Marist wants to make sure each name called on 毕业典礼 day is pronounced correctly. 大约在3月27日, 学生将收到一封电子邮件,向他们介绍MarchingOrder, 这是一个与bet亚洲365欢迎投注合作记录毕业生姓名并打印列队卡的组织. 您将首先被要求在网站上注册并设置一个唯一的密码. 一旦注册, 您将能够访问该网站并提供您的名字的正确发音. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电媒体中心(845)575-3635. 登记姓名的截止日期是4月17日. 


A:bet亚洲365欢迎投注公司bet亚洲365欢迎投注毕业典礼的选择名称政策是 在这里找到.


A: Jerome Pickett ’98/’22MBA will serve as commencement speaker at the ceremony for adult 下graduate, 硕士生和博士生. 点击这里 读皮克特的传记.


答:个人化公告可于网上订购,网址为 http://collegegrad.herffjones.com.


答:学士帽和学士服的订购截止日期是2023年1月31日. 订购说明已于11月22日通过电子邮件发送给毕业生 在这里. 需要一个Marist计算机帐户访问码和密码. 


A: Cap and gowns will be available on Tuesday, May 16 – Thursday, 5月18日, from 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 5月19日星期五上午10点开始.m. – 5:00 p.m.在唐纳利大厅.  请记住,必须提供带照片的身份证件.


A: It is imperative that all graduates have a lineup card for the 毕业典礼 ceremony.  一张名单卡片表明你有资格毕业. 信息rmation contained on the card will help you find your place in line in the academic procession and will trigger your name to be read as you cross the stage. 如果没有排队卡,你将不允许排队或穿过舞台.



A:阵容卡将于5月18日星期四下午1:00 - 7:00提供.m. 在唐纳利大厅. Please note that a photo ID and a signed college 酒精政策 Statement are required to obtain the lineup card.


A:星期五的毕业典礼没有预演. 届时会有很多工作人员帮助毕业生排队.  毕业生应于下午5点15分集合参加毕业典礼.m. 在洛厄尔托马斯广场和汉考克中心之间. 


答:天气状况各不相同,有的完美无缺,有的大雨滂沱,有的酷热难当. 建议毕业生穿着舒适,并做好应对天气的准备. 在阳光充足的情况下带上防晒霜和太阳镜. 穿适合草地的鞋子. 此外,学生们应该注意他们在长袍下面穿的衣服. Neither the College nor the manufacturer of the caps and gowns guarantees that they are colorfast.


A:不需要,户外仪式不需要门票. 座位先到先得. 不允许预留座位.  


A: In the case of rain or severe weather, the ceremony will be moved indoors to the McCann Center. 详情请浏览Marist网站(dxp.is.xiuxianke.net).


A:我们鼓励家人和客人在下午5:30之前到达.m. 但是,在下午5点之前,任何客人都不允许进入仪式现场.m. 仪式预计将持续大约1小时.5个小时. You are invited to join fellow graduates and their families at a reception immediately following graduation at Saint Peter's Meadow.


A:我们鼓励家人和客人在下午5:30之前到达.m. 以更好地保证停车位. Vehicular access to the campus will become increasingly difficult as the parking lots fill. 东校区和西校区将提供停车场.


A: The College has made arrangements to have the ceremony interpreted in sign language for the hearing impaired. 将有一个指定的座位区,以容纳残疾客人. Students may request disabled seating tickets and parking permits in the 注册商's Office starting Wednesday, 5月3日. A limit of one disabled parking permit and two disabled seating tickets per graduate will be issued. Guests with disabled parking permits should enter through the north entrance and be prepared to show their disabled parking permit to the security guard, 谁会指引你到合适的停车场. 停车场是为残疾人牌照的车辆保留的, 市政当局签发的残疾人停车牌, 或由学院注册处发出的特别停车许可证. Please note that t在这里 is no access to the handicapped parking areas from the south entrance.


A: Alcohol is not permitted before or during the 毕业典礼 exercises and will be confiscated if brought to the ceremony. 请通知所有客人这项政策. 研究生s participating in the 毕业典礼 ceremony will be required to sign a statement to acknowledge that they 下stand the College's alcohol policy in order to obtain their lineup card on Thursday, 5月18日.


A: Professional photographers will be on hand to photograph all graduates as they shake hands with President Kevin Weinman. 毕业后三到四周, 毕业生将收到两份样稿,可据此订购印刷品. If you have any questions, please contact Island Photography directly at (800) 869-0908. 因为参加毕业典礼的人很多, 有必要限制进入站台和毕业生休息区的通道. Guests will not be able to walk or stand in the aisles to take photographs or to videotape. However, t在这里 will be a designated area for families to take pictures following the ceremony.  毕业典礼, 你们将在毕业典礼上收到的礼物, 会显示这个区域的位置吗.


A: Diplomas will be mailed by Wednesday, June 14 to all who have met graduation requirements. 毕业生必须清楚所有的经济义务, 包括贷款退出面谈和图书馆费, 在他们的毕业证书寄出之前. Questions about financial obligations should be directed to the Office of 学生财务服务 (845) 575-3230.


A:为了您的方便,书店将于5月19日星期五上午10点开始营业.m. – 8:00 p.m.  文凭相框可在书店购买.


A:对于那些客人需要过夜的学生, 有各种各样的选择到当地哈德逊山谷  酒店,汽车旅馆,住宿加早餐.


Q: How many cords or other accessories (such as medals, sashes or stoles) can I wear over my gown?
A: 研究生s are permitted to wear accessories over their gowns provided they are earned for academic distinction and are provided by bet亚洲365欢迎投注



- Your tassel should be worn on the right until all graduates have crossed the stage and President Weinman confers all degrees.

记住,即使没有下雨,地面和舞台也会被弄湿. 请穿舒适的鞋子.


-毕业生应该注意他们在礼服里面穿的衣服. 学院和制造商都不保证它们不褪色.


观看下面的直播,或者 在Vimeo直播上观看节目.



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